
Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Minister Burke, we don't need another monster coal port on the Great Barrier Reef

An open letter to Tony Burke MP, Minister for the Environment.

Dear Tony Burke,

In February, you promised not to approve any more development for the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area that would have “unacceptable impacts.”

I am writing to tell you that the new coal terminal proposed for Abbot Point by Indian company Adani is totally unacceptable, and to urge you to keep your promise.
  • The Adani coal terminal would be built just metres from a beach where Green and Flatback turtles lay their eggs. The light, noise and dust from the coal terminal will disorient both the mothers and the hatchlings. 
  • Abbot Point provides habitat for threatened and migratory marine and terrestrial species and is part of a World Heritage Area. There is already too much development there – you must stand up for the outstanding universal value of the Great Barrier Reef.
  • The new coal terminals proposed for the Great Barrier Reef are part of the expansion of Australia’s coal export industry that is helping to drive climate change. Any growth in our coal exports is unacceptable at this time. 

I like to visit the Great Barrier Reef on my holidays. I want more protection for it, not less.

I support Greenpeace in their efforts to stop the development of new coal terminals on the Great Barrier Reef coast.

Peter Campbell

You can send your own email about this here:  Emergency Submission | Greenpeace Australia Pacific :

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