
Sunday, March 03, 2013

A fix for sluggish Windows 7 Explorer

My trusty Windows 7 desktop computer, which has zipped along at a pleasing speed until recently, suddenly got very slow when opening Windows Explorer.

On start up all was fine, but soon the speed of Windows Explorer degraded to the point it was unusable.  It would hang when I right clicked on a file, or just take forever to display the contents of a folder, then not display the files correctly.

I was not happy facing the prospect of reinstalling and reconfiguring Windows 7!

After some searching on the Internet I tried:

1. Using a tune up / registry cleaner - which did not fix it.

2. Setting up a new user account - which did not fix it.

3. Removing a bod context menu handler - which worked!

This post described the problem and the fix: Right click on file windows explorer freezes

I downloaded and ran ShellExView and disabled all the non-Microsoft Extensions - problem solved!  

1 comment:

  1. Some UN-necessary applications and extensions really make computer and browser very slow. I have IE6 in my system but there are many toolbar installed in my system. Whenever I launch the IE6, system slows down or held up..
