
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Signs of Myki failing - don't tap, wave or swipe

Photos taken at Flinders Street station provide more evidence that the Myki system is a failure.

Don't wave, don't swipe, don't tap!

Touch and hold but then wait for 1 second or more!

When that doesn't work, step out of the queue and talk to the gate attendant. When this happened to me last week, I was informed that "there is a software bug that causes the reader to go to sleep for your card, step out of the queue, let someone else through, then try again"

See also: Huge demand for public transport in Melbourne and poor service

1 comment:

  1. Just goes to prove that any amount of system testing goes to the wall when the hordes start punishing a system. Anyway the PTS is nearly running to capacity, and apart from longer trains, not much can be done with it. You only need to look at the lines from Caulfield through to Sth Yarra, where they are running close to capacity, and new / additional lines cannot be laid due to cuttings in the area. There is also the issue which no Gov has been able to fix, and that is the number of road crossings, which have to be opened to stop road grid locks (if they try to hold up traffic any longer at these points, it will be only a matter of time before Police will need to be stationed at every crossing to stop road users jamming the booms open). The road crossing issue will need the Feds to pay as no State Gov (of any colour) will ever be able to pay for line / road separation.
