
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Earth tremor in Victoria tonight

I was watching television tonight.  Just be 9:00pm the house shook for about 10 seconds. We have a solid suspended slab and it was moving!  No damage done though in Surrey Hills.  My wine cellar survived.

Reports came in immediately on social media (Twitter and Facebook) from friends across the state.

The handy Earthquake app (Android) showed the epicentre just south of Moe, Victoria. Here are the screenshots from the app.

The Australian Geoscience website apparently crashed when everyone attempted to visit it.  Just as well it was not a bigger one with more damage!

The size is reported as 5.2 (by the app)

No reports yet of major damage, but lots of houses shaken.



  1. Anonymous9:58 pm

    We felt our couch moving!! We live in Shepparton, Vic

  2. Indeed. The couch I was on was moving and the concrete floor under it too! Upstairs Lena though the entire house was shaking from side to side.

  3. Anonymous7:41 pm

    Hi peter
    Dear Sir
    My name is Robbie Huxtable I am writing on behalf of a 15 year old pupil who has be working with me on a project to erect a memorial board for former pupils who lost their lives in the second world war. The school currently has a WW1 memorial and a list of former pupils who died in the Great War however we only have a book of remembrance for the WW2 victims. The pupil has researched all known FP who died and has list of where they now rest. He also has some detailed information of their service history. He has also discovered three school duxes who died in combat and has found some photographs of some FP who also died in the war. We have old school registers and we have matched names to those who are in the remembrance book. Ideally we would like to trace some living relatives of those who lost their lives to share information and piece together our research. We are working closely with Leith Parish Church but would be grateful if you could possibly help in anyway. If you can help can you please get in touch with me via return email or on the number below?

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Robbie Huxtable

    Leith Academy

    20 Academy Park


    EH6 8JQ

    0131 554 0606
