
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hays Paddock Plan and Pavilion - please conduct proper community consultation

Open letter to Boroondara Councillors

Boroondara Councillors,

I provided input to the Hays Paddock Plan that open space should be maintained and development of the pavilion should comply with Council's Sustainable Building Policy and retain its current footprint. 
The pavilion should cater for all park users rather than being focused on sporting clubs.  I also support improved cycling access to and through the park to make it easier for residents to visit without using a car.
Boroondara Council has ignored the community input to the plan and that of the Steering Committee and is proceeding with expanding the pavilion to accommodate only the interests of the Old Xaverians soccer club.  This will reduce the open space in the park and is quite inappropriate.  Any development of the Pavilion must surely also comply with the Sustainable Building Policy.
I ask the Council to conduct proper community consultation and establish an Advisory Committee that represents all park users, noting that Hays Paddock is not a sports reserve and the majority of usage is walking, dog walking, enjoying the quiet bushland setting, visiting the playground with children and meeting with and relaxing with friends.

I received an information leaflet and feedback form today from Council on the Draft Boroondara Open Space Strategy.  My preliminary and immediate feedback is "please preserve the open space in Hays Paddock that is currently mostly used for nature conservation and passive outdoor enjoyment".

Yours faithfully,

Peter Campbell
Maling Ward resident

1 comment:

  1. Grant2:46 pm

    It sounds like your council is like ours where they need to get cash paying groups in to try to offset the maintenance costs. The only other acceptable alternative may be to dramatically reduce maintenance / facilities in the park. Remember rate payers hate to have to "pay as they go" with park usage, or have a levy on their rates for park maintenance.
    An example is Albert Park, where there was no way major maintenance could / would be done until the F1 GP started utilising the park, and you can bet your life if the GP leaves, so does the maintenance (somebody has to pay, and I suspect a hefty rate levy for Middle Park properties would go down like a lead balloon).
