
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We need a carbon levy

Labor's fatally compromised emissions trading scheme has now slipped into political oblivion but climate change has not. 

Kevin Rudd is a coal-eating surrender monkey!

It is clear that we urgently need a price on carbon to provide incentives for people and industry to shift towards zero emissions energy sources.

Professor Ross Garnaut and many others now support the immediate introduction of a much simpler carbon levy which would supplement other initiatives and policies to reduce Australia's carbon emissions.

It is time for Kevin Rudd to implement a carbon levy now to give us the best chance of avoiding the looming consequences of dangerous climate change.

Link: Rudd delays carbon scheme until 2012

1 comment:

  1. Grant4:17 pm

    Agreed we need to reduce emissions, but until somebody can work out how to do it without dramatically increasing costs, it would be political suicide.
    The NSW Gov will be happy, as the Telegraph quoted a NSW Gov representative stating their electricity would have gone up by an extra 28% if the ETS had gone through, and their Gov would have been history (may be anyway) with this and follow on increases.
