
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Julian McGauran abandons his party, principles and country constituents

Senator Julian McGauran is spot on when he states there is no significant difference between the Liberal and National parties on policy matters - the Nationals have been drifting closer to the Liberal party for years.

Both support the fire sale of Telstra, which will compromise communication services in the bush. Both support the dubious and flawed so called Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the US, which benefits the US but not us.

And now we have the combined spectacle and sideshow of Barnaby Joyce pontificating about crossing the floor, but allowing the Howard Government to slash funding for student services and proceed with the sale of Telstra.

Julian McGauran has abandoned his party, his principles and his country constituents to boost his own political fortune and curry favour with the city-centric Liberals.

Abandoned by the Nationals, ignored by the Liberals and overlooked by Labor, country people would do well to consider voting Green at the next election.


  1. Anonymous3:18 pm

    In the fullness of time Julian McGauran's defection will be a blessing for all. His biggest fault is thinking way more of himself than the voters or other politicians actually think of him. I am confident that the Liberal Party members will use the opportunity to eject this insignificant annoying person who will leave the political stage without having made one speckle of positive difference to the quality of life that Australians enjoy.

  2. Anonymous7:42 pm

    Here here. One of the reasons why policy is stagnating is that people such as socially unaware, indifferent and off-target people such as Julian McGauran are wasting valuable political space.

    Julian McGauran has proven that he is either too lazy or too uncaring to contribute to better governance.

    What about some force to remove arrogant, out of touch, petulant politicans such as McGauran?
    Surely Costello will be smart enough to see that supporting McGauran doesn't give him the credibility that one needs to be Prime Minister.
