
Monday, December 12, 2005

Why I have nominated for Greens preselection for Southern Metropolitan

I believe we need Greens in the Victorian Parliament.

I am seeking preselection as The Greens lead candidate for the Victorian Legislative Council seat of Southern Metropolitan. I am very keen to promote the policies of The Greens during the 2006 Victorian State Election, and hopefully in the Legislative Council if I am elected.

I believe it is vitally important that all Victorians have the opportunity to vote for The Greens and have their views properly represented in parliament. I also believe that both major parties are failing to deliver on many environmental and social justice issues at State level, which makes it even more important for The Greens to be in parliament to work for better outcomes in these areas, and to make sure that all the values embodied in the Greens charter are represented in the way Victoria is governed.

These values - supporting and promoting peace, democracy, care for the environment and social justice – are important for our shared future in terms of both sustainability and social cohesion.

Some important local issues for both Southern Metropolitan and Victoria that I am actively campaigning on and supporting include:

  • Investing in and improving public transport infrastructure and services, including cycle paths. The Brack's government's huge spending on freeways will encourage more motor vehicle transport which will contribute to more congestion and greenhouse gas emmissions in our cities. I have am leading an reinvigorated proposal to develop the Eastern Rail Trail bicycle path along the Box Hill railway line. I believe that commuter quality bicycle paths should be constructed along all of Melbourne's railway easements.

  • Equitable funding for our public health and education systems so that quality health and education services are available to everyone. In particular, more funding is needed for childcare to support families and parents with young children.

  • Improving the liveability and sustainability of our cities, including urban development and planning challenges such as Kew Cottages. The Bracks government has mismanaged plans for both Kew Cottages and Camberwell Railway station. We need genuine and effective community consultation to ensure that Melbourne 2030-related and other urban development initiatives benefit everyone, not just developers.

  • Channel deepening impacts - the Brack's goverment has not got the business case sorted out for this ill-considered project. The environmental impacts and degradation are considerable. Pandering to the interests of business lobby groups at the expense of our local environment is just not on.

  • Water usage and conservation and ensuring adequate environmental flows to keep our rivers and streams healthy. Mellbourne's appetite for water is impacting regional areas such as Gippsland - large quantities of water are diverted from the Thompson River catchment to Melbourne - which affects the health of the Gippsland lakes.

  • The Gunnamatta outfall - we need to stop the pollution and recycle the waste water - not just doing annual "reviews" of this issue that achieve nothing. We are swimming in our own effluent at Gunnamatta.

  • Protecting our water catchments and old growth forests from logging. The Brack's government continues to allow logging in domestic regional and metropolitan water catchments which impact

  • Reducing greenhouse emissions by shifting to renewable energy. The Bracks government recent extension of the life of the coal burning and greenhouse gas polluting Hazelwood power station is both disingenuous and negligent, as the greenhouse effect is now well and truly upon us. There is no point pretending that brown coal can be green-washed.

  • Supporting the adoption of guidelines for the Victorian Native Vegetation Management Framework and provision of funding for public acquisition over time of a visionary conservation reserve network for greater Melbourne

The Greens will be campaigning on these issues and more during the 2006 Victorian State election, and if elected, for the term of government. Your vote can make a difference. Every Greens primary vote counts, and elected Greens will ensure your issues and priorities are championed in the Victorian Parliament.

More information on my nomination.

What the polls and analysts say

Antony Green Analysis: The Draft Victorian Legislative Council Boundaries.
July, 8, 2005. Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)

Greens Gain Two Seats in Victorian Legislative Council, Under Proposed Changes
Finding No. 3877 - July 21, 2005, Roy Morgan Research] Morgan Poll

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